who do we work with?
earthprogram cultivates an ecosystem of uniquely talented artists, composers, producers, and tech leaders, all their own mix of entrepreneurial, prolific, and creative. we connect them with resources to produce high-quality content and the infrastructure to distribute it commercially.

music and tech.
we’ve mastered both.
check out our bios. with 20+ years in music, we offer top services for artists, labels, and producers to succeed, build an audience, and have a lasting career. we launch successful platforms for music tech startups with tech and client expertise, go-to-market strategies, compliance & business development services.
ready to serve
jason jordan
principal & co-founder
jason has been a trailblazer in the music business throughout his entire life. After co-founding the successful and collectible hardcore/punk label, watermark records in high school, jason took his independent spirit and bold forward-thinking approach to the top of the industry, leading a&R for major labels like sony/columbia, disney/hollywood, and universal/republic. today jason leads a&r at earthprogram and consults for a wide variety of artists, private companies, startups, and global media entities.
joel t. jordan
creative director & co-founder
since launching a label with his twin brother joel has spent his last thirty years bringing creative leadership and problem solving to the music industry. as a creative director and designer joel developed youth culture branding for clients ranging from sony to disney to legendary clubs like twilo (nyc) and womb (tokyo). in the early 2000’s joel led the joint publishing venture between earthprogram and rykomusic that would ultimately inform and inspire joel to design and launch synchtank, a leading global software as a service for managing, marketing, and licensing music and media assets, rights, and royalties.
mike glaser
mike is the lead business development partner and in-house musician’s musician at earthprogram. with experience in both a&r and as an artist himself, mike is a master at taking artists from creative expression to return on investment. mike utilizes his understanding of trends, analytics, and creative problem-solving to lead operations, collaborations, and growth. mike manages the day-to-day details, the deals, the studio, and the internship program.